
Last updated: Jan 02, 2022


  1. Updated content in the About and Contact section.
  2. Updated footer to reflect current month and year.
  3. Updated resume with better contrast.


  1. Resolved a bug where upon pinch zoom the UI opens the hamburger menu on iPhone browsers. Strangely it didn't affect browsers on iPad or Android phones. The fix was to remove the animation for the responsive menu. Needed ngrok for the testing flow.
  2. Added a query for xxs width devices (<240 dp) for only the navigation.
  3. Added animation to the hamburger icon so that it becomes a cancel icon.
  4. Removed an unnecessary prop from the header.
  5. Created an emergency fix for gatsbyImageData breaking due to a bug in the gatsby CMS sourcing plugin. Thankfully, this lets me publish a GIF directly without fuss. Worried about more breaking changes upcoming though.


  1. Because the other case studies were added, added a bunch of cross-links on the case studies and on the index page.
  2. Downsized content on the case study pages to an executive summary with images and added a link to schedule a call for a fuller deep dive.
  3. Separated the images from the case study body a bit better.
  4. Integrate site repo with Snyk to check for vulnerabilities.
  5. Expanded the case study templates to be a bit wider for screens wider than lg width.


  1. Use the updated logo on the logo component and the favicon.
  2. Add og tags to head.
  3. Removed unnecessary font weights and some complexity in the grid containers to reduce the size of the DOM.
  4. Removed unnecessary files in the assets folder.
  5. Update headshot to be compatible with OpenGraph image embeds.
  6. Update to enterprise email address in resume.


  1. Increase image container's vertical margins inside case study.
  2. Compress headshot size. This is the only major contributor left to a 2.0 second full-site load time. Latest report here.
  3. Updated contact section and footer with Superpeer details.


  1. Investigate and fix the site's choppy behavior on scroll (needs better implement of the useState and useEffect hooks that were messing with the scrolling performance).
  2. Render alternative and description text to embedded images inside the case study.
  3. Improve button's shimmer effect and font rendition for 'sm' devices.
  4. Fixed bug with incorrect variable name in headline font display.
  5. Fix horizontal scroll issue with indented lists.
  6. Fix font size for blockquotes.
  7. Fix margins for xs and sm grids.
  8. Fix 404 page.


  1. Updated button component to not show light blue text color on iOS 15.
  2. Updated button component to size correctly for 'xs' widths.
  3. Removed the "View more" animation for mobile.
  4. Add a fallback should a blogpost or a case study in the CMS do not have an embedded image in the body.
  5. Updated the headline component to spread out better on 'xs' widths.
  6. Removed extraneous content for 'xs' widths.


  1. Base version of portfolio pushed to production on Nov 28, 2021.
  2. Responsive across all devices over 240dp in width.
  3. Contains bare-bones design system and retrieval of content in a CMS through a graphQL API.

Scoped to v1.1.0

  1. Set footer with the copyright information with date and month.
  2. Tie in the branch name in git to the version of the web app and reflect it in the footer and the changelog too.
  3. Create a full about page.
  4. Clean up component definitions and update the readme on how to modify them.
  5. Set up all external links to open in a new tab with noreferrer and have the appropriate icon.
  6. Set up all internal links to use the native Link component.
  7. Fix animation for featured case study to full bleed.
  8. Migrate from Calendly to SuperPeer's scheduling.
  9. Implement BEM sitewide.


  • Improve accessibility across the website. This will be an ongoing effort, but there will also be some tooling decisions that come with improved accessibility.
  • Improve site performance. Will prompt reconsiderations on tooling. Reduce full site load time from 2.6s (compress headshot a bit more) to somewhere under 1.5s. Latest report here.
  • Set up CI/CD pipeline. This could be through GitLab (YML) or through GitHub actions.
  • Embed a TiddlyRoam or LogSeq as an alternative way to present a blog - The visualization for TiddlyRoam looks pretty interesting, and Roam, while great, does not allow a self-hosted option and is too expensive.
  • Embed Calendly into a webpage so that visitors don't have to leave the website.
  • Incorporate SEO and get an understanding of SEM.
  • Work on a new logo.
  • Add "featured" tag to the featured case study.
  • Add codeblock element to the rich-text editor in CMS.
  • In the about page, include a timeline view of work history through something like
  • Add page to access list of previous blogs.
  • Add search (thinking something like Algolia).
  • Add a v2 for logo
  • Explore subdomains through hosting service.
  • Media queries for automated light/dark mode.
  • Provide a manual switch for light and dark mode for users as well.
  • Translate double-spaces in markdowns to actual double-spaces in the web page.
  • Explore plugging content through an i18n.
  • Explore handling of images (thinking something like Cloudinary) if the CDN and the compression on the CMS side is inadequate.
  • Handle internal and external links more intuitively (preferably through analyzing the link itself through Regex). Keep users on the site if it's an internal link. Open external links in a new tab. Be able to read if a specific link in a markdown or from the rich text in CMS is an internal or an external link.
  • Explore if Keyframes is a viable alternative for Lottie animations.
  • Explore implementing an ADR page using Log4Brains for your highest-level semver change.
  • Contemplate a different slab font because Slabo is beginning to get annoying.
  • Add password protection for case studies.
  • Implement the "View more" animation with a better use of useState and useEffect.
  • Use a subdomain and authentication to play around with newer website designs.
  • Find a better PDF compressor.
  • Work on a better story-telling page format for your featured case study.
  • Look for alternatives to ngrok, especially with hot updates. When the page loads, the menu renders the navigation menu multiple times (for smaller widths, it opens the hamburger menu in full in one of the jumps and the hamburger itself keeps blinking multiple times) before settling in 5-6 seconds (or never at all).
  • Cover responsive use cases for landscape orientations.
Skeptic Acid Labs

Made with ❤️ using gatsbyJS, graphql, styled-components among many other fantastic, publicly available tools that form a key part of my tech stack.

Ganesh Iyer is a product and design leader, operating under the trade name of Skeptic Acid Labs in Toronto, Canada.

© Skeptic Acid Labs and Ganesh Iyer, Nov 2022.